REAL STAR and HIDDEN SINGER, Honestly.. made me Sad :(
Is this imitated? or is this just an accident?
So, young generation of Indonesia.. who's imitate.. who's care.. ? i hope its just my feeling... Let's thinking and improve :)
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"Di dalam surga-surga itu ada bidadari-bidadari yang baik-baik lagi cantik-cantik." (QS: (55):70)). Should i compete them? Of course :) *Bismillah (Sorry if the article cannot be copy-paste, pardon me because i forgot where i put the html. Enjoy O:)
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Bismillah. Kepergian itu sulit. Tapi, kehilangan lebih sulit lagi. Mengapa orang-orang harus saling meninggalkan? Jawabannya membawa saya...
Seberapa pun besarny pencapaianmu, jangan cepat berpuas diri. tetap belajar, sbb msh bany y harus d pbaiki
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